== wete ==

Advanced Audio Filters for VLC - GSoC21

This blog composes the work done on audio filters during GSoC 2021 by me, Metehan Arslan under mentorship of François Cartegnie and Jean-Baptiste Kempf. Previous developer Vedanta Nayak had elementary informations on his blog, i recommend checking it out. He explained module structure, upmixing and work he done really well...

VLC.js Audio Pipeline - GSoC22

Hello! In this page you will find the work done in VLC.js Audio Pipeline during Google Summer of Code 2022 by Metehan Arslan; under mentorship of Alaric Sénat, Jean-Baptiste Kempf and Mehdi Sabwat. There is two repositories for the audio output, one of them was written in unified cpp file written in C++&JS hybrid. Other repository was C with JS. I am more comfortable with C than C++, so i worked on this repository...